The modern food processing plant is an efficient and often highly automated facility. However, pest control is one task which shouldn’t (and cannot) be left up to the robots.
An infestation of pests is a huge problem for any business, but especially when that business is involved in the production of food. Whether the company in question serves food directly to the public, or produces it for later consumption, pests can be detrimental to both revenue and reputation.
With robots carrying out much of the work in the modern food processing plant, pest control issues can often go unnoticed. Digital sensors can only achieve so much, and a lack of human eyes on the plant floor can make the detection of infestation more challenging than with other businesses.
However, with all living creatures needing to eat, any facility which contains high volumes of food is going to make an attractive prospect for infestation.
The main entomological threat to a food processing plant comes in the form of the humble fly.
Refuse areas are likely to contain large quantities of decaying waste food products which offers house and fruit flies a smorgasbord of morsels to both dine and reproduce on. Still and pooling water can also attract a range of flying insects.

With a single coupling of house or fruit flies capable of producing over 500,000 descendants over a six-year
period, it is incredibly important to discourage the animals from taking up residence at your food processing facility. Insects carry a range of diseases, including the potentially fatal listeria and salmonella, and, with the rapid production rate of the modern facility, if one ingredient becomes contaminated it will be quickly disseminated to vast quantities of packaged product.
If these infected products are then shipped to customers, an outbreak can quickly result, destroying the hard-won reputation of your business in a moment. If you are fortunate enough to detect the contamination ahead of shipping, then you are still set to lose both time and money, as stock must be destroyed and production halted while sanitisation takes place.
An infestation of rats or mice carries with it all the same risks as one from insects. Disease can be spread through contact with the animals’ bodies, or via their droppings, and infected stock can quickly become a massive environmental health issue for your business, and the public at large, leading to damage to reputation, or even closure.
On top of these concerns, rodents can cause significant damage to property. Packaging can be torn apart as the rodents attempt to access the food contained within, or when scavenging materials to build their nests. A rat bite is no minor wound either, so there is a clear and present danger to your staff as well. Bites can rapidly become infected, leading to the potential of further loss of money and productivity, due to litigation and absence.
A Professional Pest Control Solution
So, in short, yes, your food processing facility does need pest control. A continuous and effective pest control routine will give your food processing plant the best chance of staying free of vermin.
Additionally, there should be policies in place so that your staff know the reporting procedures for when an issue is detected. One of the keys to effective pest control is to address the problem in a timely manner
However, the best way to ensure your food processing facility stays free of pests is to employ the services of an experienced and professional pest control expert. Safeguard Pest Control has over 30 years’ experience in commercial pest control and will be able to consult with you and design a bespoke pest control solution for your food processing business. From regular inspections to Field biologist visits; Safeguard is the most complete and effective commercial pest control solution available.
Best of all, with a Safeguard pest control contract, a professional team is immediately contactable should a pest intrusion be detected – helping you ensure that any issues will be dealt with as quickly as possible.
Please get in touch today and we’ll be happy to discuss how we can help you.