Ultrasonic sound is anything above the frequency of audible sound – anything over 20,000 hertz is considered ultrasonic – and it is used in a wide range of fields, from medicine, to the military. Such is the widespread use of ultrasonic sound that many manufacturers now use this in pest control devices and they are known as ultrasonic pest repellents.
There are many types of these ultrasonic sound pest repellents. Some devices use very high-pitched sound to repel insects, spiders and rodents, other devices work as repellents by combining ultrasonic sound with electromagnetic fields that are designed to deter pests.
The price of these repellents reflect the wide range of choices available, from the cheap, to the expensive. The price is determined by the application, size and brand of the pest repellent.
However, the question remains: Are these ultrasonic devices an effective pest control method?
The answer in our experience: Sadly, no.
There are several reasons for the failure of these devices for pest management purposes. Firstly, ultrasonic sounds are used by animals for echolocation and bio-sonar purposes, therefore there seems to be little to no evidence as to why pests would be deterred by an ultrasonic sound.
Secondly, ultrasonic sound is also applied in many fields that benefit humans. These sounds are often in your work environment naturally, so once again there seems to be no conclusive evidence that extra ultrasonic sound would be harmful to pests.

Overall, there is little scientific evidence that establishes the effectiveness of ultrasonic pest control devices in residential and commercial properties. It is recommended that all affecting factors are considered when a pest infestation occurs, such as hygiene, ingress locations, and infested adjacent properties. Sometimes the most cost-effective method is to have your pests dealt with correctly from the outset, by bringing in a pest control company.